e-Learning in Malaysia, where do you go?

Welcome to this new blog exploring e-learning in Malaysia. Since I am working and living in Malaysia (Married to a Malaysian, too!), coaching myself to become a Learning Strategist, and will hopefully do my PhD in Education over the coming years, it is critical that I also truly understand and know what is going on here from every singly angle possible. So, I hope this blog will be a useful online space to manage this learning adventure, and hopefully encourage others to share their own Malaysian e-Learning stories and experiences here (Yeah, later if this works, we should perhaps add a Wiki, too!).
What do you mean by e-learning? There are tons of e-learning definitions (e-Learning and eLearning) out there, but for the sake of it, this is what I mean in this blog:
(ICT: Information and Communications Technology)
There is a lot of other jargons such as M(obile)-Learning that can often confuse people, but I reckon all these one letter jargons can be swept under the umbrella word e(lectronic)-Learning (which again can be swept under the word 'learning').

- Higher Education (Universities & Colleges)
- Schools (Primary & Secondary)
- Corporate Learning
- Communities
- Projects
- Solution Providers
- Research Papers & Articles
- People
- Conferences
- Blogs
- Etc.
In short, the main goal for setting up this blog, is to discover, learn, share, discuss, network, and reflect about e-learning in Malaysia.
If you are looking for free eLearning tools, open educational resources (OER), and stuff about online learning pedagogy (going on around the world), I suppose you might want to check out my other blog: ZaidLearn.
Finally, I hope you enjoy and engage in both of these learning adventures!
Always Learning!
Warm Regards,
P.S. I would have loved to call this blog simply 'Learning in Malaysia' cutting out the 'e', but I suppose the term 'e-learning' is still widely used (also learning might seem too general). Perhaps in a year or two, when the 'e' (technology!) is totally immersed in all forms of learning, we might as well give up the 'e', and simply call it learning. I am still learning :)
Hi,brilliant ideas we can channel our children to drive their ambitions from the primary school to prepare themselves for their future.Their future in our hand as parents to motivate them to be leaders in their respective disciplines of studies and goals.Amin.Wasalam.
Hi,very new and most complete e-learning for school's students please browse:
yet, u could do money with this product!!!
Hi...yana here..just call me at this no 0192998564 or email me to juf_lyn05@yahoo.com to get info about this 1st e-learning and we are pioneer in E-learning in Malaysia..SCORE A...a lot of testimony students success, 10 years in Malaysia and latest event JV with USM. superb!!!! can go to www.scorea.com to see and demo ID 82828...HEBAT!!!we also will reveal how to change this education expenses for children to generate great income....!!!!
Hi Juflyn,
Score A is money-making examination oriented learning model, which fits best for the 20th century factory model.
Money and scoring A = 'A+', but for developing the competencies and skills to innovate and change the world = 'F-'.
Sorry, not my learning cup of multi-level marketing.
In short, don't waste your time, money and kids on this (The title of the programme is an insult to learning) :)
There are better ways to prepare your students for life :)
But thanks for sharing :)
Hi Zaid,
I like your posts on innovation in educational technology. I am writing to introduce you to the Gnowledge Internet Education Platform (www.gnowledge.com), and to get your thoughts and opinions on it.
Gnowledge is a free-to-use online education platform that enables and empowers its users to create, publish, share and take tests and exercises. All tests in Gnowledge.com are categorized by title, subject, grade, school and/or country, and are publicly available for anyone to use. Gnowledge has proven to be most useful to teachers, students and parents of students alike.
Teachers use Gnowledge to store their frequently used tests and exercises, which are then assigned to individual students or entire classrooms. Exercises and tests conducted on Gnowledge are immediately corrected and completed, saving time on manual individual exercise correction and freeing up much needed off-work and personal time.
Whenever a teacher creates a test, it will be compiled on their very own Vanity Page (www.gnowledge.com/user). This gives students a central point of reference and easy access to all of their teacher's tests.
The following 4 points show a sample of frequent users of Gnowledge:
1. Ms. Jocelyne Perreard, joined 31st March 2011, from Mexico.
Created 53 tests, administered 1,378 tests. Verify her stats at www.gnowledge.com/saveurfle
2. Tan Lay Hong, joined 24th February 2011, from Malaysia.
Created 10 tests, administered 401 tests. Verify her stats at www.gnowledge.com/layhong
3. Besty Tan Sok Eng, joined 2nd October 2011, from Malaysia.
Created 212 tests, administered 434 tests. Verify her stats at www.gnowledge.com/besty
4. Colin Chia Peng Hee, joined 4th August 2011, from Singapore.
Created 3 tests, administered 20 tests. Verify his stats at www.gnowledge.com/areulikemental
Students use Gnowledge to enhance their understanding of their syllabus. By using Gnowledge frequently, students learn by understanding and increase their knowledge, due to how tests are presented.
Each test attempt, even for identical tests, is presented differently each time; question and answer orders for multiple answers are randomized, forcing the student to understand and think about the question they are being presented with. This enhances their analytical and reasoning skills to tackle, recall and/or arrive at the correct answer. Frequent usage of Gnowledge results in academic excellence and defeats rote memorization.
Parents use Gnowledge to keep track of the academic aptitude and progress of their children. Detailed results of tests and exercises of their children are stored on Gnowledge for easy reference and viewed and evaluated by parents anytime, anywhere, via the internet.
I invite you to check out Gnowledge, as your feedback would be most appreciated. If you have any comments or questions, do get back to me.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks & Regards,
Aiman Azri
Social Media Specialist
Gnowledge Sdn. Bhd.
Suite E-13-18, Plaza Mont Kiara
2 Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T:+603 – 6201 8722
F: +603 – 6211 1722
M: +6016 – 233 2729
Hi Mr. Zaid,
I agree that our company have brought in Network Marketing concept in E-Learning. This is not only for make some extra bucks but it is to make this ultimate learning tool (www.scorea.com) to reach the community easily and effectively. Lets put that aside and lets look into the programme.
Under a grant from the Ministry Of Science, Technology and Innovation, Prof. Hanafi Atan from Universiti Sains Malaysia developed this complex but exclusive system and software. A total cost approximately RM7 Million is well spent.
Output Learning Qualities features among others are :
a) eTopics - students may select the specific topics from any of their subjects for revision while answering questions
b) e Trial Exams – exclusively contributed by selected teachers nationwide. These Trial Exams questions helped students for their examination’s preparation.
c) e Assessments – a detailed notes according to subjects, chapters and syllabus from all levels for better understanding.
d) Maths & Science Billingual – for the benefits of students with language barriers.
e) ePast Years Exam – 17 years of Past Years Examination as per Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia exclusively given to Score A by the Ministry of Education.
f) eReport Card – Parents are given exclusive excess to student’s daily performance, their weaknessses to the details of their subjects, chapters and particular topics and questions.
g) SMS Report – Parents are given option to receive Real Time SMS from the system allowing them to monitor their children’s on going study activities.
h) MathVictory – The first of its kind in the world. Children are taught to enjoy Mathematics in an interactive, practical and fun way.
To couple it up - Input Learning are such as :
a) Intelligent Avatar – Talking Robots are available online to answer all questions related to subject’s uncertaintees.
b) Animation - Coloured moving objects to improve student’s understanding with regards to mechanism, motor movements and general science’s knowledge.
c) Interactive Diagrams – Three dimensional coloured diagrams are available helping students to have deeper and better understanding on their study related issues.
d) Forum Guides – Real Time Forums by Teachers, Parents and Students realated to the on going education and subject issues.
e) Comprehensive Contents – These are with diagrams and systematic point forms for all subjects to help students better understanding.
f) MathVictory – The first of its kind in the world. Children are taught to enjoy Mathematics in an interactive, practical and fun way.
These qualities are exclusively our trademark to the envies of all conventional Malaysian Tuition Centers.
Other than this, the programme have the endorsement of 27 Minsters.My personal testimony of my own customer get 8As in SPM. If you need more information about the programme, kindly contact me via vee.mindwealth@gmail.com.
** you may walk in to our office at Kota Damansara on every Wednesday and Friday at 8.30pm.
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